Maximizing Your Off-Season: Your Ultimate Nutrition Guide

Are you about to embark on your off-season? If not-you can save this article for later.  Off-Season is a time to build strength, build muscle mass, improve skills and prepare for next season as a faster, stronger, healthier and better athlete! Nutrition is your secret weapon during this season so let's find out how you can capitalize on that!


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Are You Under-fueling?

Do you ever feel sluggish, tired, slow or unable to perform at your best during your workouts or competitions? Have you been trying to lose weight or lean out but struggling to make progress? Have you been trying hard in the gym to make some gains it's simply not working? If so, you may be under-fueling your body.

What is Under-fueling?

Under-fueling is when you are not consuming an adequate amount of calories to support your body's needs. Your needs are based on your activity level each day.  Under-fueling can have detrimental effects on your sports performance as an athlete, but it can also have deleterious effects on your overall health. Eating too little is what is making you feel sluggish, slow and tired. It is also what's hindering you from losing weight, building muscle and feeling energetic, strong and powerful! Under-fueling will result in a lack of energy, poor concentration, slower recovery time, increased risk of injury, and decreased performance.

If you...

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6 Steps to Happier and HEALTHIER Holiday!

The average caloric value of Thanksgiving dinner in the United States ranges from 3000-4500 calories according to Consumer Reports. The fat content was measured to range from 155-200 grams of fat. While I do not normally recommend counting calories, I highlight these statistics to make a point. Most of us go way overboard on food intake on Thanksgiving!  

As an athlete who may have a tournament, game,  competition, race or who just needs to keep training through the holiday weekend in the days following Thanksgiving, this can send you off your game and further away from your performance goals . Overeating to this degree can slow down your metabolism, cause dehydration and a feeling of sluggishness, nausea and fatigue.  

Here are 6 steps to take to avoid the bad habit of overeating at Thanksgiving so that you feel better and stay on track with your training and competing:

1. Don't Skip Breakfast on Thanksgiving Day! Eat like you normally would. Fuel yourself well the...

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