The Perfect Pre-Game or Pre-Race Meal: Fueling for Peak Performance


The Perfect Pre-Game or Pre-Race Meal: Fueling for Peak Performance

Are you wondering what to eat the night before your next football game? Field Hockey game? Soccer tourney? How about the night before a marathon? Do you have a cross country meet coming up? Swim meet on the horizon? Are you a parent who's organizing a team dinner?  No matter what's coming up for you, one thing is clear: optimizing the meal you eat the night before will set you up for optimal performance. Eating the right combination of nutrients can enhance your energy, keep you mentally sharp, and help your body recover faster. But what does the perfect pre-game meal look like? Let’s break it down.

1. Focus on Carbohydrates

The night before any competition, you want to fill your muscles with glycogen—your body’s most accessible energy source. Carbs are the best way to do this. Starting your event with ample glycogen stores will ensure that you have a continuous and  steady...

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Want to Master your Sport like and Olympian? Master Your Sports Nutrition!



Has watching the olympics motivated you to get better? How are you going to do that? Will you Tain harder? Get better equipment? Sign up for top notch coaching? Have you considered improving your  nutrition? Do you know how integral a part of improving your performance it plays?  To bridge the gap between being good and becoming great, you need to adopt the right mindset towards nutrition. Here’s why this shift in perspective is the key to unlocking your full potential.

The Missing Link to Greatness

Have you hit a plateau? Wonder why you're not seeing the improvements despite putting in the hours. The answer is likely your diet. Nutrition is a game-changer for:

  1. Enhanced Energy Levels: Proper nutrition ensures your body has the energy it needs to perform at its best. Carbohydrates fuel your workouts, protein builds and repairs muscle mass, and fat provides sustained energy, joint lubrication and brain cushion. With the right balance, you’ll...

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Sipping Your Way to Sports Success

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2024


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Maximizing Your Off-Season: Your Ultimate Nutrition Guide

Are you about to embark on your off-season? If not-you can save this article for later.  Off-Season is a time to build strength, build muscle mass, improve skills and prepare for next season as a faster, stronger, healthier and better athlete! Nutrition is your secret weapon during this season so let's find out how you can capitalize on that!


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The Power of Caffeine for Athletes: Boosting Performance Naturally

Harnessing Caffeine as an Ergogenic Aid: Exploring the Benefits of Matcha, Coffee, and the Risks of Synthetic Caffeine Sources for Athletes

Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances in the world, known for its stimulating effects on the central nervous system. If you are seeking  a natural performance enhancer, both black tea, matcha green tea and coffee stand out the most potent sources of caffeine. They offer a range of benefits. I need to warn you, however as an athlete that it's essential to understand the potential risks associated with synthetic caffeine sources. Energy drinks and pre-workouts fall into this category.  Let's explore how caffeine can boost your performance and the differences between natural and synthetic sources.

The Benefits of Caffeine for Athletes

Improved Endurance and Performance

Caffeine has been extensively studied for its ergogenic effects, with research consistently demonstrating its ability to enhance...

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Sports Supplements that Work - and Those That Don't

Have you seen advertisements for a supplements promising enhanced performance, improved speed, muscle growth, or faster recovery times? It's sooooo easy to buy into the marketing! Trust me I want to believe them too. Most athletes rely on supplements to some degree to help them achieve their performance goals. However, not all supplements are created equal. Some have robust scientific backing supporting their efficacy, while others fall short of their lofty promises. Let's delve into the world of sports supplements and distinguish the effective from the ineffective. Note that I am only reviewing a handful of the thousands of supplements on the market in this article. Remember that there are many that are downright harmful. So buyer beware an athlete YOU are responsible for knowing the safety and (NCAA/ WADA) legality of everything that you put into your body. 

CAFFEINE stands out as one of the most researched and proven ergogenic aids. When timed properly, and consumed...

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Confused About Carbs?

Join the Club!

The amount of athletes that admit to me that they are scared of eating carbohydrates is shocking. In the past week Ive hear the following from new athletes I'm working with:  "I can't eat bread or I'll get fat",  "I've eliminated all carbs from my diet so I can lean up" and  "carbs are the devil". Ummm...WHAT? The devil? Really people? How did we get here? In the 90's we couldn't get enough carbs. Fat was the bad guy back then. Sometime in the early 2000's carbs were vilified. Can you see the trends? Can you see how   misaligned with overall health diet culture is? 

As an athlete you need to ignore problematic diet culture and start fueling your body the way it needs to be fueled.  Carbohydrates ARE the primary fuel source for our bodies -especially during training and competition. My goal is to help all athletes understand the importance of eating the right kind of carbs, in the right amounts, at the right...

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Are you Eating Enough Protein?






You prioritize training heard every day. You don't skip practice, or lift sessions and you are mentally dialed in. you put as much emphasis on fueling? Performance is rooted in nutrition. Fueling your body with adequate nutrients, at the right time and in the right proportion is a crucial element of training. One we don't always respect quite enough.

Protein needs to be at the top of the priority list! When you are training, day in and day out, you are experiencing muscle tissue breakdown. In order to repair that breakdown and ensure you come back stronger each day, protein intake must be a priority. ProteinPis also responsible for blood sugar regulation, hormone production, optimal immune function and many other crucial biologic functions. Protein needs to be a part of each meal and snack in order to meet your needs.



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January is a Joke

Don't Fall for It

January is often hailed as the month of resolutions, where a multitude of individuals eagerly plunge into challenging diet and exercise regimens like 75 Hard, Whole30, or juice cleanses -to name a few. We are a little over a week into 2024 and I already see less people in the gym and more athletes calling me up  because they have "failed" to keep their resolution. Many athletes think they need these type of challenge to "boost metabolism",  "cleanse their liver" or "cut some weight".  As a sports nutritionist for the past 2 1/2 decades, I can't help but find this January resolution fervor to be a laughable and very sad joke. Extreme approaches might yield temporary results, but more often than not they lead to disordered eating, physical injury and mental burnout. They don't provide a balance of training intensity, a healthy increase in volume or duration, and don't allow for adequate rest and recovery. Athletes need all of these and I believe that...

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🎄 Fa La La La LOTS of Gift Ideas for the Athletes on Your List!! Part 1

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2023
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