You work so hard day in and day out to hone your skills, improve your fitness and build strength, power and endurance. IN order for your body to handle all of that training load you need to allow ample time to recover. Recovery consists of re-hydrating, re-fueling, resting, massage, stretching, and can also include mental tactics such as medication and journaling.
How you feel each day is dependent on how well you recovered the day before. As an athlete you are always either preparing for a training session or recovering for one. So consistency is the key here.
What does it look like to recover well? Here is a breakdown:
Power Up With Protein
The research is strong. Athletes need protein. In fact we need more protein than non-athletes. The consistent impact and oxygen consumption that occurs because of daily training creates damage. Protein is responsible for much of the prevention of and recovery from that damage. It can be difficult to consume ample protein based on our busy schedules so below you will find some simple tips to help you figure out the best ways to increase your protein consumption.
Aside from the obvious protein sources like meat, chicken, Turkey and fish...try these simple ways to increase your protein intake every day!
Start your day with protein. Getting it in early will give you a head start on meeting your protein requirement! Good examples of simple protein sources for breakfast are eggs, milk, chia seeds, flax milk, soy milk, greek yogurt and oatmeal.
Try snacking on jerky! Beef jerky, turkey jerky, and salmon jerky are convenient snacks to...
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