Kombucha for Athletes

KOMBUCHA has made its way into health food stores, general grocery stores, delis, lunch spots and even gas stations! It has received more and more attention from the general health nut to the hard core competitive athlete.  


Kombucha is fermented food just like Kimchi, Sour Kraut and Kefir. Fermented foods are linked to improved gut health,  gut function, which is important for a number of reasons including optimal nutrient  absorption and improved immunity. Athletes don't like to get sick because it means missed playing time. Coaches don't like it because it means they lose a player during a game or competition. 


This is a phrase I hear time and time again from some of my athletes. It's true! ITs got that fermented beer smell. Some varieties even taste like beer. I suggest trying it to see if it's for you or not.  I nerve recommend drinking anything   you don't  like it. The health benefits are great....I know. But...

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Make Cooking Easy!

You are an Athlete! You lead a very busy life. Cooking is likely last on your list. BUT....Cooking meals at home is the best way to ensure that your getting optimal nutrition and balance. Let me walk you though my favorite tips on how to make cooking easier.

Prepared Foods!

Many Grocery Stores now prepare foods for your convenience. Foods like rotisserie chicken,  pre cooked grilled chicken, pre cooked frozen salmon burgers (heat and serve), frozen- cooked brown rice and quinoa, and soups and stews. These are all healthy and can be used as short cuts to creating a balanced and nutritious sports nutrition minded meal!

Air Fry - without an Air Fryer!

Do you really need another complicated appliance on your counter? My favorite cooking tool is the Gotham Steel Crisper Tray. You can "Air Fry" anything from potatoes (hello crispy baked fries!) to kale chips to turkey bacon to  crispy zucchini. You can do so without oil or just with a minimal amount of avocado or olive oil....

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OH....Vernight Oats!

Overnight Oats is a perfect solution for busy athletes. It take a few minutes to make one night and you can grab and go the rest of the week! Oats are loaded with fiber, specifically a slow absorbing fiber that keeps your blood sugar stable and keeps you fuller for longer. Oats also offer you micronutrients such as B Vitamins (for energy), iron (to carry oxygen throughout our blood stream) , and zinc (boosting immunity). Protein is also higher in Oats than most other grains. Oats truly are an athletes best ally. The good news doesn't stop there....because it can taste great if you prepare it the way you like ti! Try these versions of overnight oats and notice how your performance improves!


Peaches and Cream

Combine oats, Flax milk, Protein Powder, Sliced Peaches Agave and Half and Half in a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. Place mixture into mason jars, cover and refrigerate overnight.

Apple Cinnamon Pecan

Crush Pecans and Dice Apples. Place both in large bowl. Add Whole...

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Sensational Soup

mushroom lentil soup soup Dec 14, 2021

Do you ever make something that you keep coming back to? Making it over and over again because it's that good? Making it just a little bit different each time with new additions and flavors?

Whether you answered yes or no...I have a recipe for you to try. Mushroom Lentil Soup. It's so easy it's embarrassing. And its sooooo good you'll add this to your meal rotation for sure.

As a Sports Dietitian I can tell you that this soup is loaded with sports performance boosting properties that will up level your game and your health. Lentils are as high in protein as most meats! and Mushrooms are anti-viral so you will increase your chances of avoiding illness (keeping you training strong all winter long instead of in bed sick). The broth base is high in fluid and electrolytes which will ensure optimal hydration!

Make a large batch, freeze it into portions and you will be have an easy meal or snack to  fuel your sport!

You can find the recipe here:   ...

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Holiday Gifts for Athletes. Part 1.

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2021

'Tis the Season for buying gifts for the Athletes on your list!! Or....for putting items on your own list as an Athlete! Whether you're giving or receiving these gift ideas will help you become the athlete you want to be, by helloing you fuel efficiently and  making nutrition easy and convenient so you can be on the top of your game. Maximizing you nutrition and your health WILL  make you feel amazing and perform at your best.

Happy and healthy holiday shopping to you!

Veggie Chopper

Athletes need to eat a lot of veggies. Chopping veggies is time consuming, tedious and tbh...BORING!   This veggie chopper is life changing! You can chop, dice, shred, julienne veggies quickly and without the risk of slicing your finger too! I highly recommend this product for both the non-cook AND the experienced chef!  


Veggie Spiralizer

Omggggg!!! This item is A...Ma...Zing!!! It makes eating zucchini and carrots and beets and sweet potatoes and butternut squash...

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Electrolytes! The What and the Why.

electrolytes hydration Dec 09, 2021



Electrolytes are minerals that enhance the absorption of fluid into your cells. As athletes, we are mostly concerned with muscle cells. 

The four most important electrolytes to an athletes ability to hydrate are Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. These can absolutely be found in food. Your body can utilize food sources of electrolytes the most efficiently. BUT......when it's hot, humid, when we are involved in an endurance event,  if we are rebounding from an illness, or if we are training and competing at altitude, our hydration and electrolyte needs are higher. For this reason I would recommend a supplement. The following supplements are the one I recommend the most: Nuun Electrolyte tablets, Salt Stick Electrolyte Capsules, UCAN Hydration, and Base Salt.  


Your muscles are made mostly of water and keeping that water within the cells of your muscles will enable you to increase speed, improve power and increase endurance....

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4 Easy (and fun) Ways to Get and Stay Hydrated

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2021


Hydration is not easy for all athletes. We typically think of food as the issue when it comes to maximizing performance. Truth Bomb: Hydration is more important! Most of us don't make hydration a consistent priority. Especially if it's not hot and humid.

If hydration is your missing link, or if you struggle with it sometimes, here is a list of a couple of  fun products that can make hydrating yourself easier. 

My mission as a sports dietitian is to find ways to make it easy, convenient, and taste good so that hydration can become a reality for every athlete.  Reach out and let me know if any of these might work for you! 

True Lemon

These packets of crystalized lemon have no sugar, no artificial sugar and no calories. It will flavor your water exactly like squeezing a lemon wedge into your water would! It's a fabulous way to add some flavor to water (if you don't love drinking plain water). Its easy to pack a few in your gym bag and add it to...

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